Artist Bios
Hemp Facts
Press Release

Artist Bios

I put out the 'word' to as many Canadian musicians as I could easily contact this Spring and early summer asking for songs and recordings about Hemp. I offered no compensation other than the satisfaction of writing the song and the pleasure of hearing it on the compilation... and the royalty of any airplay.

With the limited time available the following musicians offered their time talent to the SeeDee. (Several others, with full schedules and commitments offered songs they had already recorded that spoke of the their love for the environment and the trees, which spirit helps fire us to promote hemp as an alternative crop and resource.)

1. James Gordon

I first heard of James through his music with the folk group Tamarack. What impressed me most was his/their ability to write songs about the local histories of areas of Canada that had stories and little songs to add bounce to the stories. "Along the Grand" is a good example.

Then I heard James on CBC's Basic Black radio show on Saturday mornings. He was responding to listeners' requests for songs about their chosen topic with quality songs.

I was so pleased when James responded so positively to my request for a hemp song. And when "Get On Board The Hemp Revival" arrived in my rural mailbox, I knew that we were actually going to witness our dream of The Hemp SeeDee become reality.

2. Pam Norris


Pam is the single mother of two great sons in the village of Wilno. The lead singer of the rockin' band 'Fold' for the past several years, she has been recording her own music in Errol's Asoma Music Studio this Spring and Summer. The CD will be out with their new name, "The Weather Girls".

Errol gave Pam the video "Hemp Hemp Hooray!" 'The Growing Industrial Hemp Market' (see below for more info) to watch. She came back to the studio with guitar and new song in hand. Errol helped with the arrangement and it amazed and pleased me with its depth and passion.

3. Robbie Anderman


I've been a 'musician' since I began piano lessons in 1955. With our hemp 'ice cream' business (http://www.coolhemp.com) I found that people know little about hemp (that includes me). My folk music experiences have shown me that music communicates better than just words.

En route to The HempCar event at The Friendly Stranger on Queen Street in Toronto in 2001, we stopped by the bridge in Belleville Ontario and with Gabriella Mihalek's help, I wrote this new rendition of Buffy Sainte Marie's song "The Universal Soldier" which had inspired me as a youth. Buffy has very kindly given her permission to record this.

My main instrument is the Shakuhachi, the end blown bamboo flute from Japan. I also play the Quena, the end blown bamboo flute from the Andes of South America. And the Native American Flute (over 75 of which I have handcrafted) and the Appalachian Mountain Dulcimer ( 47 of which I have handcrafted) and the Finish Kantela Harp (90+ of which I have handcrafted).

As a woodworker and an orchardist (20+ pear trees), I have come to love and appreciate trees and hate to see them slaughtered needlessly as a resource for products which they are not needed for... that hemp is much better suited for.

I have worked with Whole Natural foods since the free kitchen at the Woodstock Festival in 1969. I have lived a relatively sustainable lifestyle on a very minimal budget since then... and know a good Whole Natural Food when I meet one. Hemp is certainly one of the best. And worth culturing a taste for it.

And it really is our choice... each moment. We are "choosing people".

4. Rri Povey

Rri was the single mom of Jasmine... until she met Gary B. about 2 years ago. Now they are the parents together of Sage, born September 10, 2001.

Rri is also best known for her incredible tie dyes which brighten up our lives.

Gary has been holding solar powered Thursday night jams for about 20 years now... and what a delight to find the singer Rri in our midst!

Many friends suggested I ask Rri to sing this new rendition of "Day-O", which I had penned with Gabriella. They were right. Rri also brought new bounce and words to the song, which it needed.

5. Ken Brown

I first heard Ken playing flute and guitar with my old and dear friend, Mary Anderson, the Celtic Harpist. I've always admired his musical talents and the spirit with which he plays.

When he recorded his song, "If We Can", and then passionately sang it live at Blue Skies Music Festival, I knew I found a side of Ken's music that was very kin to my heart.

He's living in the Guelph area these days and playing at many folk venues.

Daryl Teneycke & Laurien

Kevin Munroe

Charlie Sohmer

Clark Guettel

Ken J. Lillico

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